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Julia Stillman

Marketing Professional & Lover of Books

Hi, I'm Julia! I would describe myself as someone who thrives in the fast-paced world of marketing, who loves to be creative in all ways possible, and who thinks organization is my (very impressive) superpower. I love the constant evolution of marketing and the challenges it brings, keeping my skills relevant and ever-growing! Creativity is important to me in everything I do, whether it is thinking outside of the box for a campaign strategy or figuring out a new method to make work run more smoothly, I love it. Speaking of keeping work running smoothly, I would consider myself the most organized person I know (my whole family would agree, once I organized my mom's pantry by expiration date.. she wasn't thrilled). From color-coded calendars to planned and detailed workflows and projects, I love to plan as much as I can to save room for the uncertainty that marketing can bring! When I am not working, you can find me going for walks, cooking new recipes, or most likely nose-deep in a book! You know those people who have a never-ending list of TV shows and movies they swear they'll watch someday? Well, that's me, but with books. In 2024, I made a resolution to tackle more of my TBR pile and rein in my book-buying habit (spoiler alert: it's not going as planned).

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My pride and joy.

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